


A city that provides healthy nutrition, healthy activity, a clean environment, and access to quality medical care for all citizens.


  • Now that the city has declared racism to be a public health crisis, how will it follow through to make real change?

  • How can we measure progress toward becoming a healthier city? Levels of obesity, diabetes, infant mortality, childhood lead poisoning?

  • The Cleveland Department of Public Health has gone through numerous staff shake-ups. What needs to be done to reform it?

  • The city ordinance requiring rental units to be certified lead-safe will be enforced starting in 2021. How is the new law working?

  • How can Cleveland be a better city to raise healthy children or age in place?


  • To reduce childhood lead poisoning, support effective enforcement and funding of the city’s lead-safe housing ordinance, and make sure the Health Department does a good job tracking children who have been exposed to lead.

  • Utilities (water, electricity, gas) are essential for health. Develop policies to reduce utility shut-offs and make utilities affordable for all.

  • Accelerate implementation of the city’s Climate Action Plan to reduce the health risks of air pollution, heat waves, flooding, and severe storms.

  • Support the Cleveland Tree Plan and restore the urban tree canopy for cleaner air, reduced noise pollution, and cooler neighborhoods.

  • Strengthen the city’s Complete and Green Streets ordinance and transform more of the city’s public realm into safe, walkable, bikable places that promote active living.

  • Make sure the Division of Water does a good job monitoring the safety our public water supply and the Division of Air Quality does a good job monitoring air pollution.

  • Regarding food, expand the Healthy City grant program to promote healthier diets and reduce food insecurity, work with partners to develop grocery stores in food-desert areas of the city, and protect urban gardening sites. By encouraging residents to eat a more plant-based diet, the city can promote health while helping to reduce the out-sized carbon emissions of meat and dairy production.

  • Support the City Planning Commission’s efforts to conduct Health Impact Assessments of proposed projects and plans.

  • Advocate for sensible gun safety at the state and federal levels.


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